Behind every meticulously organized event, there lies a guiding force orchestrating every detail. At the heart of the countless activities of RAYA Chidiac Foundation is Marie Dina Chidiac, the tireless president. As the mother of our beloved martyr, Raya Chidiac, her steadfast leadership inspires, motivates, and unites the entire team. Her “rainbow” smile, radiant heart, and unwavering determination serve as beacons of hope, driving us forward in our mission.
Most importantly, behind Marie’s success stands her family, who trust her implicitly. Her husband, Francois Chidiac, supports her decisions in every aspect, providing unwavering encouragement and solidarity.
He loves, He hopes, He waits. Our Lord prefers to wait Himself for the sinner for years rather than keep us waiting an instant.
Maria Goretti
Story of the shrine
The first shrine in Lebanon and the Middle East, dedicated to the martyr Saint Maria Goretti, on the hill “ROSES AND CANDLES FOR RAYA”, Miziara, Lebanon.