
1 – The Shrine

The first shrine in Lebanon and the Middle East, dedicated to the martyr Saint Maria Goretti, on the hill “ROSES AND CANDLES FOR RAYA”, Miziara, Lebanon.

Roses and candles

Following the death of young Raya Francois Chidiac on September 22, 2017, the campaign “Roses and Candles for Raya” was launched in five continents and for two months: October, the month of the Rosary and November dedicated to the souls in Purgatory. During this time, the Rosary was recited and requiem masses were offered for the repose of her soul.

The rose is the symbol of the Rosary and the candle is the symbol of the Mass. When Raya’s parents, Francois and Marie, decided to build the shrine, the symbols turned into an architectural reality. The church took the form of a rose and 3 metallic candles of different sizes were placed on the grounds of the shrine.

He loves, He hopes, He waits. Our Lord prefers to wait Himself for the sinner for years rather than keep us waiting an instant.

Maria Goretti

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