After the martyrdom of the young Raya on September 22nd 2017, she entered the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of love and peace. Here she is, talking to us from heaven, reminding us of what saint Theresa of the Child Jesus used to say: “When I die, I will send down a shower of roses from the heavens. I will spend my Heaven by doing good on earth.” Raya Chidiac, the young martyr is also the apostle of joy and peace which filled her whole life.

After she died, she left some signs: First, her will to build, in her village Miziara, located in Northern Lebanon, a church in honor of Saint Maria Goretti, the martyr of purity and apostle of love and mercy. Then, her will to pray the chaplet of the Rose Colored Hearts that reflects her life on earth: a life of pure love, of empathy towards the poor, of constant enthusiasm to serve the others whether friends or strangers. What more meritorious for this chaplet than the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph? Their hearts symbolize the soul in total obedience to the Divine Will and in perpetual presence of the Divine Love.

These Hearts are rose colored by the blood and water that flew out of Jesus Christ’s Pierced Side as a source of mercy and salvation for humanity. It is the chaplet of the hearts of the Holy Family of which Raya was a member, as a student of the School of the Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family. It is also the chaplet of the Divine Will of which Raya used to say: “Only God knows the right time. The perfect timing is in the will of God”.

The Encounter between Antonia Salzano Acutis & Marie Dina Chidiac

On May 8th, 2023, amidst the serene beauty of the Carlo Acutis Center in Assisi, Italy—nestled gracefully upon a picturesque hillside—the convergence of two mothers unfolded. Antonia Salzano Acutis, mother of blessed Carlo Acutis, and Maria Dina Chidiac, mother of the martyr Raya Francois Chidiac, came together in a moment that seemed to transcend earthly bounds, akin to a heavenly embrace.

RAYA and Carlo Acutis

R.A.Y.A Platform (Rosary & Adoration Youth Apostles) has chosen the Blessed Carlo Acutis as its Patron Saint.

There are several factors to consider, among them the shared birth year of 1991 between Blessed Carlo Acutis and the martyr Raya. In the realm of R.A.Y.A’s Platform, few candidates could surpass Blessed Carlo Acutis as a young patron saint. His tireless advocacy for prayer, particularly among the youth, through the Rosary and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, makes him an exemplary figure for the platform.

Quotes by Carlo Acutis

  • Reciting the Rosary is the most important appointment of the day.
  • The Rosary is the shorter ladder to Heaven.
  • The Eucharist is my highway to Heaven.
  • When we face the sun we get tan, but when we stand before Jesus in the Eucharist, we become saints.

R.A.Y.A Platform Channel

Chaplet of the Divine Love and the Divine Will

It is recommended to recite the chaplet of the Divine Love and the Divine Will after the Rosary on the night between Thursday and Friday (Raya was martyred on Friday at dawn). Let us not forget that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ asked Saint Marguerite Marie Alacoque, the apostle of His Sacred Heart to pray the “Holy Hour”, the most cherished hour of His meek and lowly Heart, starting Thursday at 23h in the evening and ending at midnight. The Holy Hour is a part of the Agony Hours at the  Garden of Gethsemane between 21h and midnight followed by the hour of the Arrest of Jesus.

We offer the chaplet of the Divine Love and the Divine Will (also known as the chaplet of the Rose Colored Hearts) to the soul of our beloved martyr Raya, to the souls of our young martyrs in Lebanon and the whole world. No one can become a saint without Love.

His Holiness Pope John Paul II said:

“Dear young people!  Be saints. The world is sad because Holiness is absent. God bestowed on you a difficult but fervent mission: Cooperate with Him to build the civilization of Love”.

Praise Holy Trinity

Chaplet of the Divine Love and the Divine Will for the sanctification of the Youth and the Family

  1. Make the sign of the Cross: In the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
  2. On the large bead under the Crucifix, we pray the hymn of love:

In communion with the Church Militant on earth, through the intercession of the Archangel Michael, in honor of the wounds of the holy face and the secret passion of Christ

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

In communion with the Church Penitent in Purgatory, through the intercession of the Archangel Rafael, in honor of the Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ.

We pray Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be…

In communion with the Church Triumphant in Heavens with the intercession of the Archangel Gabriel, in honor of the five Holy Wounds of Jesus Christ.

We pray Our Lord, Hail Mary, Glory be

First Decade

Second Decade

Third Decade

O Eternal Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ and with the power of the Holy Spirit, transform our Hearts so that they become the throne of the Holy Trinity.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, embrace our hearts!

O Jesus, most Divine Will and Word of the Divine Love,
Cover the World with your Precious Blood
So that it may save the souls of the sinners

O Mary, Queen of the Divine Mercy, Our Lady of the Divine Love, Spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of love over all humanity.

Fourth Decade

O Eternal Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ and with the power of the Holy Spirit, transform our Hearts so that they become the throne of the Holy Trinity.

O Heart of Jesus on the Cross, embrace our hearts!

O Jesus, most Divine Will and Word of the Divine Love,
Cover the World with your Precious Blood
So that it may save the souls of the sinners

O Mary, Queen of the Divine Mercy, Our Lady of the Divine Love,
Spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of love over all humanity.

Fifth Decade

O Eternal Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ and with the power of the Holy Spirit, transform our Hearts so that they become the throne of the Holy Trinity.

O Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist, embrace our hearts!

O Jesus, most Divine Will and Word of the Divine Love,
Cover the World with your Precious Blood
So that it may save the souls of the sinners

O Mary, Queen of the Divine Mercy, Our Lady of the Divine Love, Spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of love over all humanity.

Consecration Prayer

At the end of the Chaplet of the Divine Love and the Divine Love, we pray:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate.

O Holy Trinity, I consecrate my whole life to your Greatest Will and your Eternal Love.

O Eternal Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, grant us the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit that fill the hearts of the faithful with the light of Greatest Love so that we consecrate every heartbeat to the Divine Will and the Divine Love.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, let my will be totally abandoned to Your Will, let my love embrace Your love so that my heart be united to Yours.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, throne of the Divine Will and Divine Love, I consecrate my whole self and my whole life to you.

O Pure Heart of Saint Joseph, guardian of the Redemptor, be the guardian of my heart.