“One Million Children Praying the Rosary” is an initiative led by Aid to the Church in Need, with a mission to reignite faith in the transformative power of prayer. This global campaign echoes the timeless message of Our Lady of Fatima, reminding us that the innocent and unwavering prayers of children through the Rosary can indeed reshape the world and usher in peace.
Together with Raya Chidiac Foundation and RAYA Platform, we are working tirelessly to create activities specially designed for children. It is this dedication to nurturing the spiritual growth of children that compelled us to join this campaign. By joining hands in Rosary prayer alongside children, we foster unity within the Church and among nations. This initiative reminds us of our shared calling to build a global family, transcending borders and finding strength in collective prayer. Together, let us illuminate the world with the light of hope and unity, one prayerful bead at a time.
18 October
He loves, He hopes, He waits. Our Lord prefers to wait Himself for the sinner for years rather than keep us waiting an instant.
Maria Goretti
Story of the shrine
The first shrine in Lebanon and the Middle East, dedicated to the martyr Saint Maria Goretti, on the hill “ROSES AND CANDLES FOR RAYA”, Miziara, Lebanon.