The shrine dedicated to Saint Maria Goretti on the hill, chosen by Raya, named “Roses and Candles for RAYA”.

Who is Raya ?

Raya was humble, cheerful and amiable. She spread hope and kindness to those who were desperate. She wiped the tears of vulnerable children and helped soothe grief-stricken souls. She knew how to love and how to be faithful to her friends and teachers as well as to all who stood by her.

The Sign

Raya sent many signs from above asking for a shrine in the name of Saint Maria Goretti to be built on the hill facing her parents’ house. Her mother knew the location as the land is registered in her name. Raya wants the shrine to be a sanctuary for girls with no voices. In it, their voices will be heard, and comfort and support will be given to them.

The Pink Heart Rosary

Furthermore, she wants rosaries with pink heart- shaped beads to be distributed. This led to the founding of RAYA Platform (The Rosary Adoration Youth Apostles), and to the birth of the “Rosary of the Divine Love and the Divine Will”. The Rosary is prayed to bless families and youth.

Raya Chidiac Foundation

Granting Raya her wish, her parents, (Francois and Marie), used their own funds to construct the shrine in the name of Saint Maria Goretti on the hill she chose. This hill is now named “Roses and Candles for Raya”. They have also established the “Raya Chidiac Foundation”. Its purpose is to support the activities of the youth and religious organizations