
7 – The Altar

As a visitor stands in front of the Altar, he finds himself in the presence of a three dimensional carving displaying the stages of Jesus’ Salvation Plan on Earth:

Jesus the Slain Lamb

Jesus, on Maundy Thursday (the washing of the Apostles’ feet) and during the Last Supper with His twelve Disciples, invalidated the Old Testament Sacrifice (blood sacrifice) and established the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Christ is the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb for all to be saved by His final sacrifice (the eve of His Passion).

The Crown of Thorns

On the morning of Good Friday, a crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’ head at the beginning of the Procession to Calvary. (The agony)

The three nails upon which the Altar stands

They were used to nail Jesus to the Cross (Crucifixion and death).

The cloth on the metal plate at the bottom of the Altar

It is the Shroud of Christ who rose from the dead. On the morning of the third day, the tomb was found empty except for the Shroud which proves that Jesus was no longer inside: He rose and went out of the tomb conquering death (Resurrection).

And thus Jesus Christ fulfilled his Plan of Salvation on Earth by resurrecting from the dead. This is the most important historical event that ever occurred. The Resurrection of Christ is the central Doctrine of Christianity and the Church.

By observing the carving on the Altar, we are certain that after suffering, Resurrection and Salvation will follow.

He loves, He hopes, He waits. Our Lord prefers to wait Himself for the sinner for years rather than keep us waiting an instant.

Maria Goretti

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