
5 – The Three Candles

The small candle

This is Raya’s candle. Inside this candle are the remains of Miziara’s Rose “Raya Chidiac” which were transferred from the family’s cemetery on September 22, 2022. The Fourteen Stations of the Cross are carved on this candle.

The medium sized candle

The Cross of Jesus and the three nails on the side of Jesus’ hands and feet are in the middle of this candle. Droplets are seen dripping from the Cross. These droplets are the blood and water from the crucified body of Jesus. These refer to the Life that was granted to us by Jesus on the Cross. There are two bells in this candle.

The large candle

The Cross of Resurrection is on top of this candle. A three dimensional “Day of Judgment” is carved on its sides (the Final Judgment).

The large face in the middle is the face of Jesus the Judge (and He will come with great glory to judge the living and the dead). Surrounding His face are the faces of Saints and Beatitudes from Lebanon: Charbel, Rafca, Neamtallah Hardini, Estphan Nehme and Yaacoub Kabouchi.

The face of the Italian Martyr Saint Maria Goretti (to the left of the viewer) and the face of the Lebanese Saint Marina, the Nun of Kannoubine, (to the right of the viewer) are above the head of Jesus the Judge. And in the middle of the three dimensional figure, there are bodies raising their hands high. These refer to the souls in Purgatory that God raised towards Heaven as they deserve salvation.

The descending bodies refer to the souls going down to Hell as they deserve eternal torments.

He loves, He hopes, He waits. Our Lord prefers to wait Himself for the sinner for years rather than keep us waiting an instant.

Maria Goretti

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